Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Muscle Building Supplements for Women

My Personal Experience
As a Personal Trainer and Competition Prep Coach, I have had the privilege to work with many women of all walks of life and ages. The main concern for most of us is definitely fat loss. However, I have also come across many females who have a hard time putting on muscle. Women are afraid to pick up heavier weights because they think that they will start looking manly. You will be very happy to learn, my dear friends, that this is the biggest misconception of all!

If you are a female and want to tone up, lose fat and build a luscious firm booty, beautiful shoulders and a pair of tight legs, you should pay close attention to the article below. Featuring a leading sports supplement company from the United States that has recently been become available on the Canadian market, I will take you step-by-step and explain exactly why you should seriously consider starting to supplement with a real "big-girl" stack.

What If I'm NOT Competing or an Athlete?
I would like to add that this is for ALL WOMEN, not just for athletes who are training for a competition. This is for all of you girls who are working real-people jobs, have a busy schedule and have a burning desire to look fit & sexy when you go away this winter!

The Dominion is a pre-workout product that is amazing for building lean muscle and the AminoAmmo is by far one of my FAVOURITE BCAA intra-workout products. They have been scientifically created by a leading sports supplement company from the United States:  Better Body Sports

Both of these products combined are phenomenal for women who are looking to increase their gains:

Increased Recovery: Perhaps the greatest benefit to hard training athletes is the increase in metabolic recovery that follows supplementation. Most athletes feel quite a big decrease in the amount of post exercise muscle soreness soon after starting to take BCAAs. This means faster recovery from exercise induced protein damage (remember your muscles grow when you damage them), which in turn means faster size and strength gains. With increased recovery the harder and more frequently you can hit the iron and thus the sooner you can meet your goals. No brainer!!!

Endurance: This means that they may enable you to train at higher intensities for longer periods of time. Supplementing with BCAAs may enable you to maintain your training intensity and endurance as energy normally provided by your diet decreases. Anyone who has ever been on a very low-carb or low-calorie diet for extended periods can definitely appreciate this! This will SAVE you as the weeks go by, and your diet and training changes…intensity increases, and your body starts sculpting beautifully.

Protein Synthesis: BCAAs by themselves have been shown to independently stimulate muscle protein synthesis. In other words, they have shown the ability to induce muscle gains, even in the absence of weight training! Studies have shown that BCAA supplementation increases the hormones: testosterone, growth hormone, and insulin.

Stimulation of Fat Loss: Supplementation of BCAAs has been shown to trigger significant and preferential losses of visceral body fat. Located in the deeper layers of the body under the subcutaneous fat, this visceral fat tends to be resistant to dieting and is hard to lose. So the body stops muscle breakdown and uses more fat for fuel. At the same time the extra BCAAs in the blood stimulate insulin so the BCAAs are driven directly to the muscle. So the result is people lose body fat and gain muscle at the same time. A BIG “WHOOP WHOOP” for that one!!

Boosting Immune Function: When you train at high intensity or high volume you risk immune suppression and infections. By supplementing with BCAAs you'll help reverse glutamine loss, which is essential for immune function. In addition to this, the BCAAs help prevent a catabolic state in the body, which in turn can help improve recovery and lessen the damaging effects your exercise sessions may have on the body.

Anti-Catabolic Effects: BCAAs probably exert most of their anabolic effects through anti-catabolic activity. In short, they suppress the use of muscle proteins for fuel, thereby sparing the breakdown of muscular protein.


1 scoop x 1 daily
while you're getting ready for gym

Pre-Workout Cocktail:
1 scoop Dominion  + water (15 mins pre-workout)

1 scoop x 1 daily
during your workout

1 scoop of AminoAmmo in your 1L of water, sip on this during your workout

Recovery Glutamine plays key roles in protein metabolism, cell volumizing, and anti-catabolism. Glutamine also increases your ability to secrete Human Growth Hormone, which helps metabolize body fat and support new muscle growth. Glutamine's anti-catabolism ability prevents the breakdown of your muscles.  

5g x 2 daily
Post-workout and bedtime

ADD to: your post-workout protein shake with water + piece of fruit
BEDTIME: one serving with water before sleepy time
Hydration Water plays a vital role in all bodily processes by providing a universal medium for chemical reactions, lubrication, nutrient delivery, waste disposal, heat dispersion and temperature regulation. To keep your body alkaline and to help you get all that water down, you will be squeezing 1 whole lemon into your water. Flavouring with oranges, lemons, limes is always a great way to make things more enjoyable and to alkalize your body!

Filtered Water
3-4L daily
1 whole lemon squeeze in water

In conclusion, I would like to add that I have used these products in all 3 of my competition preps! Paired with the appropriate training and diet, these products create results that are FAR from manly, in my humble opinion. Thank you BBS for creating leading-edge products for us females to use! 

Coming Soon: Stay tuned for my review on BODY FORM! 

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Garcinia Cambogia: As Seen on Dr. Oz

What Is this Garcinia Cambogia Extract All About?
Garcinia Cambogia is a small, pumpkin-shaped fruit, sometimes called the tamarind. It has been used in traditional South Asian dishes for a long time, including curries and chutneys. Yum!

The rind of this fruit is dried and used to produce Hydroxycitric Acid (HCA). What is astounding about this particular extract is that researchers claim that Garcinia Cambogia can double or even triple one’s weight loss.

It is very important to note that no pill is more effective than maintaining a regular exercise regimen and a healthy diet. However, taking a supplement containing the Garcinia Cambogia extract in conjunction with a well-balanced workout/meal plan can catapult your weight loss, leaving you thirsty and motivated to work hard to see further results!

The Womanly Touch
Being a woman can be stressful at time. We are mothers, wives, corporate busy-bees, students, and athletes with a long list of demands being expected of us. Trying to juggle our busy schedules and watching our figure all at the same time can make for an overwhelming scenario we more often than not get faced with. It is understandable that emotional eating could stem from the stresses of carrying the weight of the world on our shoulders. This is how I feel at times...

If you are like me, and the rest of the women out there, Garcinia Cambogia may be an effective solution for you! It is an excellent supplement for emotional eaters as it has been shown to increase serotonin levels, which directly impacts our mood and sleeping patterns. Ask yourself this: from 1-10, what is the quality of your sleep and how refreshed and energized do you wake up every morning?
How Does Garcinia Cambogia Work?
The HCA extract from Garcinia Cambogia supplement aids in weight loss by doing two things: 

- helps block fat
- suppresses your appetite

Yeah, yeah, yeah. You've heard this all before... I know what you're thinking! Let me break it down for you:

When you eat carbs and don't use them immediately, they are converted into fats. Garcinia Cambogia blocks fat by inhibiting a key enzyme that your body needs to turn carbs into fat! When this enzyme is made (citrate lyase), this nasty fat-making process is stopped and the production of LDL (bad bad bad cholesterol) and triglycerides is decreased.

Okay, but how does it suppress your appetite? Well...

When we look at multiple depression cases and compare them, we notice a big common denominator: decreased levels of serotoninSerotonin is a neurotransmitter in our brain that makes us feel "good". Antidepressants are prescribed by doctors to elevate levels of serotonin and norepinephrine in the brain. Having low levels of serotonin makes us feel gloomy, blue and anxious. These feelings oftentimes drive us to "emotional eating". Garcinia Cambogia extract improves mood, suppressing the urge to react to stressful situations by binging on comfort foods!

Dr. Oz is certainly a big promoter of this ground-breaking discovery. One randomized placebo-controlled study, which he has published on his website, followed 60 obese persons for 8 weeks. With a calorie-restricted diet (1200 kcal/day) and an HCA dose of 1320 mg/day, the experimental group lost an average of 14 pounds , compared to 6.1 pounds in the placebo group. The participants also noted reduced appetite.

Garcinia Cambogia extract has been used in many weight loss products for a long time. It's popularity and demand has exponentially grown following a segment of its revolutionary super-powers on Dr. Oz on October 29th, 2012.

The extract is hidden in a few excellent and affordable products I would like to personally recommend to you. I have oftentimes picked up products off the shelf and not really known WHY I should trust the weight loss claims on the labels because they either contain a "mystery ingredient" I have never heard of OR their names sound airy fairy to me. 

I've always made sure I explain why I recommend the things I do to my clients, athletes and friends because I truly believe that when we know the benefits of what we are putting in our bodies, we feel educated and well-informed instead of senselessly taking yet another pill in hopes of "maybe" seeing some some the future. Now that you know that the following products contain high-grade reputable and effective ingredients, you will not be fooled by their appearance and will trust their effectiveness:

Dr. Oz recommends to take 500-1000 mg before each meal, and make sure to take no more than 3000 mg total per day. The above noted supplements contain 600mg - 750mg of the Garcinia Cambogia extract per 2 pills! That is the perfect dosage to kick-start your weight loss!

My Tip
Before you start a "new" regime, it being a new workout plan or a supplement, it is always good to snap a BEFORE picture of yourself somewhere in a mirror you can clearly see your definition and curves. Oftentimes, the scale doesn't budge yet the body transforms itself and overall improvements become more and more noticeable.  Remember, muscle weighs more than fat! As such, snap a quick front & back shot of yourself each week in the same spot in your home or at the gym. Compare results every few weeks!

I would love to hear about your weight loss journey and how you are enjoying the infamous Garcina Cambogia in your regime! Send me your pictures and feedback

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Online Client Spotlight: Julia Samzadeh

Meet Julia, a fun-loving hairdresser from Abbotsford, British Columbia who recently signed up on my Online Fitness Training program. I have never met her in person, but she contacted me throught my Facebook Elle Fitness page for a helping hand with her fitness goals. What striked me the most about her was her magnetic vibrance, postive outlook on life and beautiful smile!
She has been struggling with her weight for many years and was now ready to make a necesary lifestyle change and better her overall health for good. She had been raised in a traditional Iranian family, which greatly influenced her eating habits. Despite the national mouth-watering Persian cooking being extremely appetizing, it wasn't on her side when it came to weight loss simply because her metabolism wasn't speedy enough to handle it. Right then and there, I had a deep connection with her instantaneously as we e-mailed back and forth, discussing her life and goals. My Ukrainian roots and "meat & potato" childhood reminded me very  quickly of my own struggles as a child and teenager.
In the recent months before reaching out to me, Julia had been working out at her local gym, but was lost when it came to specific exercises, nutrition and supplementation. These are all big factors that play into weight loss and overall health. Working closely with her, I developed a plan tailored specifically for her needs, and her busy standing-all-day work schedule!
Why has she been so successful and had so much progress? Because she gave herself to me entirely, trusting my every recommendation, paying close attention and quickly learning on the go. Her enthusiastic attitude has also played a major role in her unprecedented success. She has never once made an excuse, only found solution after solution. Getting her emails with pictures attached of all her pre-cooked, pre-packed meals in the fidge has put a smile on my face, time and time again.

What I enjoy most is receiving her correspondence filled with gratitude and positivity. I can just FEEL her vibes through the computer screen, and I send them right back to her. She has been my sunshine through some difficult days without even knowing it, and I could not be happier with her disciplined execution of all the things I have outlined in her plans.
Today is Julia's 24th birthday, and she is away on a trip to Europe to visit with family and friends. I would like to take a moment and wish her a VERY happy day and let her know how proud I am of her for making this BIG step in her life. I see many great things for her in her future and I am very excited to have the priviledge to be working with someone as special, beautiful, motivated and inspiring as her. May this year bring you an adundance of things only the heart can feel... Your journey has merely began, and I am here for you every step of the way. Humbled I am for having been given such a priviledge; thank you.

All my Love,

Your Coach

Monday, October 22, 2012

Intermittent Fasting

What is Intermittent Fasting
is a pattern of eating which alternates between periods of fasting and periods of food consumption. The periods vary according to the individual’s goals. For example, a good place to start is at a 12:12 ratio meaning 12 hours of fasting followed by a 12 hour feeding window. The fasting period can certainly be lengthened in time and the feeding window shortened, and starts as soon as you finish eating your last meal. The fasting period also counts when you are sleeping!

How Fasting Benefits Your Body
Science acknowledges the following fasting benefits for the human body, as it extends lifespan and protects against disease:
  • lack of hunger while dieting
  • reduced oxidative stress
  • increased insulin sensitivity
  • increased ability to resist stress, disease and aging
  • increase in mental focus and concentration from more of the stimulant hormone catecholamine being released during a "fast" period
  • more stable energy and improved mood
  • fat loss :)

My First Week of IF
Today marks 1 week that I have been fasting and as promised, I am sharing my feedback with you! The following is what my fasting/feeding schedule has looked like for the last week:

Day of the Week
Fasting Period
Feeding Window
M o n d a y
21 hours
3 hours
T u e s d a y
24 hours
2 hours
W e d n e s d a y
22 hours
4 hours
T h u r s d a y
21 hours
4 hours
F r I d a y
20 hours
4 hours
S a t u r d a y
18 hours
6 hours
S u n d a y
24 hours

Diet Followed
As some of you already know, I have been adhering to the KETO DIET for the last 6 weeks. It has certainly been an interesting experience to see how much my body DOESN’T need carbs

As I started following the intermittent fasting protocol, I adhered to the KETO diet for Monday and Tuesday. What a very interesting for me was that I was BACK in ketosis on Monday afternoon after having fasted for 21 hours from the night before, which was when I ate carbs LAST. It usually takes me up until Wednesday afternoon to jump back into keto. How do I know this? I pee on keto-sticks every morning and evening to see where my body is at.  You can purchase these for less than $10 at any local pharmacy.
On Wednesday, I enjoyed an early CARB-UP meal in the evening with my other half, who has voluntarily decided to undertake this intermittent fasting regime as well. We fasted close to the same amounts each day and have found that doing it together is so motivating and fun at the same time!

During my fasting periods, I followed proper food ratios: high protein, no carbs, and high fiber for the NON-CARB days. For my carb-ups, I had a few indulgent moments which may or may not have included pasta and tiramisu. I ate my entire day’s worth of calories in 1 or 2 meals, depending on the day, and on the duration of my feeding period. I ate until I felt satisfied and full.

EVERY MORNING, I woke up feeling very good, with a FLAT tummy and abs. Interesting? I would certainly say so. The idea behind intermittent fasting is that our ancestors rarely had access to food 24/7, which makes sense why our genes are optimized for to this type of feeding schedule. There have been so many studies published on why it is optimal for fat loss, and overall health!

Gym Schedule
I worked out every single day on an EMPTY stomach, sometimes in the morning sometimes in the late afternoon/evening. I found that there was absolutely no lack in energy for me. In fact, I felt really good working out on an empty stomach. This just goes to show, again, how you DON’T need carbs to “fuel your workouts”. Everything you need is already within you.

When you train on an empty stomach with BCAAs in your system, you tap into your FAT stores as there is no glycogen for your body to use up for energy. You are what they call "depleted".

My training these days is quite intense: I do extremely high reps, and very low weight paired up with nutty plyometrics. There are tons of supersets, dropsets and giant sets involved as well as circuit training. The routine changes on a weekly basis, and I follow everything I set out for myself to a tee. I am currently not doing much cardio at all.
As a competitor and sponsored athlete, my goals are certainly very different than the ones of a sedentary person wishing to lose fat on this type of diet. I am also looking for fat-burning effects, but more so muscle-building ones primarily. Intermittent fasting is an excellent way to build LEAN GAINS, which means put on muscle while losing the fat. It’s all about the times when you feed your body and replenish your stores.

I supplemented with a clean form of
BCAAs in my water as well as in pill format every 2 hours. I also took 10mg PRE and 10mg POST training. I found that this has significantly help retain my muscle and feed me sufficiently through the fasting period.

My Thoughts
At first, I was extremely apprehensive about the whole idea of fasting. It is contrary to popular recommendations and breaks all the rules I had been following for years! I have never been afraid to step out of my comfort zone and try new things, so I did.

I found that I had absolutely NO sugar cravings throughout the day and no mood swings what so ever, and my boyfriend can confirm this phenomenon! I was SO happy all week, buzzing around with an abundance of energy all day long. The only time I found my energy levels weren’t as high was when I was bad with my water intake and became dehydrated. 4L is my usual daily water intake, and sometimes I didn’t have the time or the brain to remember to fill up and bring my water bottle with me. Energy lacked BIG time when I didn’t hydrate properly.

I have been in a 23 hour fast since 6:00 pm last night and am still going strong. I worked out this morning at the gym, and did 1 hour of weight training and plyometrics which spiked my heart rate like crazy. Sunday was a non-fasting day. I did carb-up as well, which is why I decided to start my fast at 6:00 pm that evening. I am scheduled to break my fast at 8:30 pm this evening, making it my longest fast to date: 26.5 hours.

How am I feeling? Wonderful! I woke up early this morning, trained my morning clients, then worked out myself. Came home, had my
BCAA pills for lunch and have been sipping on my BCAA-powdered water throughout the whole day.

Everyone I talk to is so fascinated with this "controversial" analogy and quite frankly, so am I. It baffles me how I had uncontrollable sugar cravings (to the point of dementia) on a calorie-restricted diet and now I don’t even want to eat any chocolate, PERIOD. I would sneak chocolates in between my low-cal NO-CARB NO-FAT contest prep diets, making them a HUGE failure. I am happy to say that with furthering my knowledge, stepping out of my comfort zone and venturing out into unknown territories, I figured out the perfect diets routines and regimes that work best for MY body. Again, everyone is different! What works for me may be a complete disaster for you! You don’t know until you try!

A few interesting articles for you to read:
Better Blood Glucose
Intermittent Fasting Explained
Ripped Body

If you have absolutely any further questions about INTERMITTENT FASTING,
KETO or anything wellness related, please don’t hesitate to shoot me a quick email at I will do my best to reply in a timely fashion!

Monday, October 15, 2012

15 Simple Ways to a Stronger Immunity

This Fall, lets opt for natural ways to boost our immune systems with my TOP 15 NATURAL TIPS without resorting to the conspiracy of the misleading and poisonous flu vaccine!

1. VITAMIN D: A great immune-system booster, it is also called the "happy" vitamin. Most people who get the "blue" feeling in the sunless months of Fall and Winter should take this supplement as it prevents and treats depression.
2. GARLIC: Full of health benefits, garlic is a potent cancer-fighting, blood pressure regulating, immune-strengthening, cardiovascular system enhancing and flu-abolishing powerhouse!
3. CHLORELLA: It has been found to improve the immune system, improve digestion, detoxify the body, accelerate healing, protect against radiation, aid in the prevention of degenerative diseases, help in recovery, relieve arthritis pain and, because of its nutritional content, aid in the success of numerous weight loss programs. Can you say SUPERFOOD?

4. AIR-FILTER: Because of the colder weather, we find ourselves spending the majority of our time indoors where there is not a lot of air circulation. This promotes the growth and spread of all kinds of bacteria and mold. Using a high-quality air filter in your home will inhibit these nasty little friends.
5. EXERCISE: It is a proven fact that consistent and frequent exercise boosts circulation and the immune system. The increased circulation also oxidizes the cells and promotes anti-aging effects! When first starting out, remember to keep your exercise moderate to not over-stress yourself at the gym, as your immune system will be temporarily compromised.
6. AVOID CHEMICALS: Xenoestrogens can be found in many common household and esthetic items such as laundry, cosmetic, personal and fragrance products. Minimize your exposure to the parabens, chemicals, and dies found in these products as they cause damage to the immune system as well as the liver. Take ESTROsmart to rid your body of the toxic xenoestrogens you have already ingested, which live in your fat cells.

7. GINGER: This is one of my all-time favourite remedies. The beauty of ginger is that it is used for a wide variety of treatments including ovarian and colon cancers, morning and motion sickness, pain, inflammation and heartburn, prevention of cold and flu, relief of migraines and menstrual cramps. A great immune-system booster! Try boiling ginger with your favourite herbal tea, adding sliced organic lemon to the mix, a spoonful of honey, splash of orange juice and a sprinkle of cayenne pepper for a Cold-Blaster Fall treat!

8. HERBS and SPICES: These rich herbs and pungent spices will keep your heart healthy and your arteries clear to reduce pain, inflammation and ward off cancer. Dress up any meal with these simple and delicious additions that will add a health-kick to any diet! Reach for cinnamon, turmeric, parsley, oregano and thyme! Great-tasting immune-system boosters.
9. DIET: Cleaning up our diet in the months of Fall is the best way to boost our energy levels naturally and absorb vitamins and nutrients. Choose NON-GMO and ORGANIC meats and produce and antioxidant-rich foods such as berries, prunes, beans and legumes.

10. HYGIENE: The easiest way to catch an infection during the flu season is by touching a contaminated surface and then touching your eyes, nose or mouth. Consistent hand-washing should be practiced and touching the face should be avoided!

11. SLEEP: Did you know that sleep plays a critical role in so many surprising health factors in our daily lives? It greatly impacts our immune function, metabolism, memory, learning, creativity, physical performance, mental focus, weight loss, stress levels, reaction time, decision making, and depression to name just a few. Supplementing with an all-natural melatonin pill before bedtime is a great way to aid a restful good night sleep. Melatonin also possesses many cancer-fighting properties and does not cause dependency in the body as it is a hormone produced and secreted by the brain as soon as the lights are dimmed.

12. STRESS: Abolish all chronic stresses from your life as it compromises immune function, impacts our ability to get a good night's rest and even "eats up" nutrients in our body, leaving us depleted and distraught. YouTube is a great resource of learning about various meditative techniques that will help balance your stress levels. Start by setting aside merely 10 minutes each day, and note the difference you feel in your life!

13. VITAMIN C: The benefits of Vitamin C go well beyond a strong immune system. It helps with high levels of stress, prevents colds, flues and pneumonia, and aids in speedy recovery in athletes!
14. LAUGHTER: Laughter is the best medicine! Humor lightens your burdens, inspires hopes, connects you to others, and keeps you grounded, focused, and alert. With its magical healing properties, laughter should be enjoyed frequently as it is a tremendous resource for surmounting problems, nurturing relationships and enhancing both physical and emotional health. Best of all: it’s free!

15. BALANCE: The elements in life that affect our balance can be divided into two categories: internal and external. We have a tendency to focus on one side of the spectrum more than the other, resulting in feeling distraught, empty, unsatisfied and inexplicably depressed. Be sure to focus on all facets of your life equally to obtain balance and a sense of calm, and fulfillment. Don't let your vocation, relationships, and social activities take over your life without giving your heart, mind and soul the attention it deserves.
My recommended Fall IMMUNE-POWERHOUSE stack everyone should take! These are inexpensive yet high-quality and potency products you can purchase online and received within 2 Canadian business days at prices that will beat any competition!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

The Flu Vaccine: A Cocktail of Toxicity

As autumn paints the luscious summer brush in its colours of auburn shades, the air gets crispier and sends us reaching for our comfy Lulus and warmer clothes. Our bodies are used to functioning at a much warmer temperature, and the season change forces us to re-adapt. This sudden shift can abate our immune system, making us more vulnerable for viruses and infections.
In the recent years, there has been a buzz about flu vaccinations. Flu vaccines have their pros yet they also have cons that the media hides. I was lucky to have stumbled upon

The Center of Disease Control and Prevention, which was quite an eye-opening online article. I was shocked to learn that flu vaccines are filled with many damaging and toxic chemicals including mercury, formaldehyde, aluminum, antibiotics, preservatives and MSG.

There are millions of doses administered to children, health care professionals and elderly adults each year. The above noted chemicals are added to ensure that the vaccines are potent, sterile, and "safe" for all recipients. In my humble opinion, this is just another “EASY OUT” that the government and the Health Care system make copious amounts of profit on, disregarding the health and future of humankind.

The ugly truth is that our nation has grown so disgustingly lazy, blindly misguided and addicted to the fast and easy ways of cutting corners to save time and alleviate the extra efforts our health demands. Fast food is conveniently available at drive-thru windows, microwaves provide a quick and easy way to warm-up foods, and flu vaccines alleviate the headache of taking care of yourself the way nature intended.
Instead, we feed ourselves with xenoestrogens, GMOs and consume foods that have a nutrient-profile equivalent to cardboard. Not to forget, we also voluntarily jab ourselves in the arm with deadly additives which cause us more harm than good. Time-saving, effective and efficient right? As it appears, that is NOT what the obesity rate and cancer statistics of our country suggest.
What happened to the good old days when we used natural medicine in preventative measures to treat common illnesses as opposed to complicating things and creating monsters we would only meet years down the road as problems arise. There are so many easy, common-sense ways to protect, prevent and stregthen ourselves! Stay tuned for my 15 TIPS on boosting the immune system and living a more balanced life to prevent catching the flu this Fall!

Natural Hormone Help for Women of All Ages

I get asked all the time what my FAVOURITE all-natural, health product is and here is the answer, ladies: ESTROsmart by Lorna Vanderhaeghe Health Solutions.

I have recommended this product to all of my FEMALE CLIENTS & CONTEST PREP athletes as it has worked wonders for me, personally. I have used it during all 3 competitions and have noticed BIG results during the first 2 weeks of use, and so have my athletes already!

MY HISTORY: After having had a VERY BAD experience with the depo-shot in the recent year, I was completely messed up emotionally, physically and mentally... It truly was thee worst time of my life: walking home from an amazing workout at the gym, yet bursting into tears for absolutely NO reason because the progesterone in the shot (which to my horror lasted 3 whole months...side effects included) had screwed up my hormonal compass so badly that I was finding no joys in the things I loved most.

I also had a lot of trouble loosing weight as my estrogen levels were high my entire life which means: fatty legs, fatty butt and midsection. Check out my BEFORE/AFTER pic!

Additionally, I didn't get my period for over 7 months. Within the first 2 weeks of taking this product, everything began falling into place, and I couldn't believe it. Women don't realize how much CRAP they are ingesting until they educate themselves on XENOESTROGENS, effects of hormones and polutants we are eating and inhaling by the buckets every single year.

Here are a few KEY points about EstroSmart:
EVERY WOMAN SHOULD BE TAKING ESTROSMART along with a multivitamin and fish oils at the LEAST. This is a CANCER-FIGHTING and preventative product that works wonders and does your hormones GOOD. I have dedicated by entire business approach to the effects of hormones in femalesbecause I truly believe that any disbalances can wreak havoc is all facets of a woman's life.

If you have questions, please don't hesitate to email me. I'm here to help and get the word out on what has worked wonders for me. That's one of my exclusive Elle Fitness secrets ;)

Thanks again, Nutraways for providing the best prices available and speedy delivery on online orders!