Sunday, October 14, 2012

Natural Hormone Help for Women of All Ages

I get asked all the time what my FAVOURITE all-natural, health product is and here is the answer, ladies: ESTROsmart by Lorna Vanderhaeghe Health Solutions.

I have recommended this product to all of my FEMALE CLIENTS & CONTEST PREP athletes as it has worked wonders for me, personally. I have used it during all 3 competitions and have noticed BIG results during the first 2 weeks of use, and so have my athletes already!

MY HISTORY: After having had a VERY BAD experience with the depo-shot in the recent year, I was completely messed up emotionally, physically and mentally... It truly was thee worst time of my life: walking home from an amazing workout at the gym, yet bursting into tears for absolutely NO reason because the progesterone in the shot (which to my horror lasted 3 whole months...side effects included) had screwed up my hormonal compass so badly that I was finding no joys in the things I loved most.

I also had a lot of trouble loosing weight as my estrogen levels were high my entire life which means: fatty legs, fatty butt and midsection. Check out my BEFORE/AFTER pic!

Additionally, I didn't get my period for over 7 months. Within the first 2 weeks of taking this product, everything began falling into place, and I couldn't believe it. Women don't realize how much CRAP they are ingesting until they educate themselves on XENOESTROGENS, effects of hormones and polutants we are eating and inhaling by the buckets every single year.

Here are a few KEY points about EstroSmart:
EVERY WOMAN SHOULD BE TAKING ESTROSMART along with a multivitamin and fish oils at the LEAST. This is a CANCER-FIGHTING and preventative product that works wonders and does your hormones GOOD. I have dedicated by entire business approach to the effects of hormones in femalesbecause I truly believe that any disbalances can wreak havoc is all facets of a woman's life.

If you have questions, please don't hesitate to email me. I'm here to help and get the word out on what has worked wonders for me. That's one of my exclusive Elle Fitness secrets ;)

Thanks again, Nutraways for providing the best prices available and speedy delivery on online orders!


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