Monday, October 15, 2012

15 Simple Ways to a Stronger Immunity

This Fall, lets opt for natural ways to boost our immune systems with my TOP 15 NATURAL TIPS without resorting to the conspiracy of the misleading and poisonous flu vaccine!

1. VITAMIN D: A great immune-system booster, it is also called the "happy" vitamin. Most people who get the "blue" feeling in the sunless months of Fall and Winter should take this supplement as it prevents and treats depression.
2. GARLIC: Full of health benefits, garlic is a potent cancer-fighting, blood pressure regulating, immune-strengthening, cardiovascular system enhancing and flu-abolishing powerhouse!
3. CHLORELLA: It has been found to improve the immune system, improve digestion, detoxify the body, accelerate healing, protect against radiation, aid in the prevention of degenerative diseases, help in recovery, relieve arthritis pain and, because of its nutritional content, aid in the success of numerous weight loss programs. Can you say SUPERFOOD?

4. AIR-FILTER: Because of the colder weather, we find ourselves spending the majority of our time indoors where there is not a lot of air circulation. This promotes the growth and spread of all kinds of bacteria and mold. Using a high-quality air filter in your home will inhibit these nasty little friends.
5. EXERCISE: It is a proven fact that consistent and frequent exercise boosts circulation and the immune system. The increased circulation also oxidizes the cells and promotes anti-aging effects! When first starting out, remember to keep your exercise moderate to not over-stress yourself at the gym, as your immune system will be temporarily compromised.
6. AVOID CHEMICALS: Xenoestrogens can be found in many common household and esthetic items such as laundry, cosmetic, personal and fragrance products. Minimize your exposure to the parabens, chemicals, and dies found in these products as they cause damage to the immune system as well as the liver. Take ESTROsmart to rid your body of the toxic xenoestrogens you have already ingested, which live in your fat cells.

7. GINGER: This is one of my all-time favourite remedies. The beauty of ginger is that it is used for a wide variety of treatments including ovarian and colon cancers, morning and motion sickness, pain, inflammation and heartburn, prevention of cold and flu, relief of migraines and menstrual cramps. A great immune-system booster! Try boiling ginger with your favourite herbal tea, adding sliced organic lemon to the mix, a spoonful of honey, splash of orange juice and a sprinkle of cayenne pepper for a Cold-Blaster Fall treat!

8. HERBS and SPICES: These rich herbs and pungent spices will keep your heart healthy and your arteries clear to reduce pain, inflammation and ward off cancer. Dress up any meal with these simple and delicious additions that will add a health-kick to any diet! Reach for cinnamon, turmeric, parsley, oregano and thyme! Great-tasting immune-system boosters.
9. DIET: Cleaning up our diet in the months of Fall is the best way to boost our energy levels naturally and absorb vitamins and nutrients. Choose NON-GMO and ORGANIC meats and produce and antioxidant-rich foods such as berries, prunes, beans and legumes.

10. HYGIENE: The easiest way to catch an infection during the flu season is by touching a contaminated surface and then touching your eyes, nose or mouth. Consistent hand-washing should be practiced and touching the face should be avoided!

11. SLEEP: Did you know that sleep plays a critical role in so many surprising health factors in our daily lives? It greatly impacts our immune function, metabolism, memory, learning, creativity, physical performance, mental focus, weight loss, stress levels, reaction time, decision making, and depression to name just a few. Supplementing with an all-natural melatonin pill before bedtime is a great way to aid a restful good night sleep. Melatonin also possesses many cancer-fighting properties and does not cause dependency in the body as it is a hormone produced and secreted by the brain as soon as the lights are dimmed.

12. STRESS: Abolish all chronic stresses from your life as it compromises immune function, impacts our ability to get a good night's rest and even "eats up" nutrients in our body, leaving us depleted and distraught. YouTube is a great resource of learning about various meditative techniques that will help balance your stress levels. Start by setting aside merely 10 minutes each day, and note the difference you feel in your life!

13. VITAMIN C: The benefits of Vitamin C go well beyond a strong immune system. It helps with high levels of stress, prevents colds, flues and pneumonia, and aids in speedy recovery in athletes!
14. LAUGHTER: Laughter is the best medicine! Humor lightens your burdens, inspires hopes, connects you to others, and keeps you grounded, focused, and alert. With its magical healing properties, laughter should be enjoyed frequently as it is a tremendous resource for surmounting problems, nurturing relationships and enhancing both physical and emotional health. Best of all: it’s free!

15. BALANCE: The elements in life that affect our balance can be divided into two categories: internal and external. We have a tendency to focus on one side of the spectrum more than the other, resulting in feeling distraught, empty, unsatisfied and inexplicably depressed. Be sure to focus on all facets of your life equally to obtain balance and a sense of calm, and fulfillment. Don't let your vocation, relationships, and social activities take over your life without giving your heart, mind and soul the attention it deserves.
My recommended Fall IMMUNE-POWERHOUSE stack everyone should take! These are inexpensive yet high-quality and potency products you can purchase online and received within 2 Canadian business days at prices that will beat any competition!

1 comment:

  1. Great article, very informative. I think an overall lifestyle change (exercise and diet) would dramatically help boost the immune system. Vegetables contain phytochemicals which are very important to our health. I'm not always able to cook so when I'm on the go I take a vegetable supplement. Taste is not the best but I haven't been sick in over a year now! It's cheap online too.
