Sunday, September 16, 2012

The Secret to Fat Loss for Women

Ketosis is quite a controversial diet that has two sides to debate, like with any other choice you will make in your life. There are positives and negatives to everything you will undertake, and you need to understand the scientific mechanism properly before making an informed decision for yourself. If you have never tried it, I suggest that you give it a go...monitor your progress and decide if it is something you can commit to or not. Here is how it works:
Ketones are created in the liver when fat is metabolized (broken down). This fat can be from the egg yolks you ate this morning or your mid-section/thighs (for example). Ketosis is a state when our body taps into its FAT STORES for its MAIN source of energy, as opposed to GLYCOGEN (carbohydrate) stores. As such, you turn into a FAT-BURNING machine, as opposed to a carbohydrate-burning one.

Insulin is a hormone that helps your body pick up glucose from the blood, storing it as as glycogen in the liver and muscles. It is important to know that CARBOHYDRATES affect our "blood sugar levels". When we eat foods that are HIGH GLYCEMIC (high in sugar/carbs), our INSULIN levels go UP. This is NOT an optimal FAT-BURNING state what so ever. In fact, the body STOPS BURNING FAT when insulin levels are high in the blood. Following? You can refer to the "Glycemic Index" to find out which foods are desirable to consume, and which are ones to stay far away from to keep your body at its optimal fat-burning state. The following site is very helpful and informative:

RECAP: now, you just learned that CARBOHYDRATES affect insulin levels, and when insulin levels are high your body is not in a fat burning state anymore as it’s trying to burn all the glycogen you ingested. PS: when you eat carbs, they metabolize into sugar/glycogen.
BUT NOW GUESS WHAT: Fat has absolutely NO-IMPACT on insulin, and when insulin is absent in the blood, JUST LIKE MAGIC, your body begins to use fat as its PRIMARY energy source, which is called KETOSIS. It takes a bit of time for the body to naturally deplete itself from its glycogen stores (from all the carbs you have eaten). How do you know if you're in ketosis? You pee on a keto-stick which turns a certain shade and tells you if the level of ketones in your blood is high or low. These sticks are very inexpensive ($8 for a set of 50) and can be purchased at any local pharmacy. I got mine at London Drugs, but had to ask for them as they are kept over the counter.

HOW DO YOU ACHIEVE KETOSIS: diet, diet and diet. Did you know that what you eat is 80% of what you look like? You could be busting your butt at the gym, hours on end, 7 days a week and still not be hitting your goal because your diet is HOLDING YOU BACK. DON'T WASTE YOUR ENERGY & TIME. The only way to achieve this state is to adhere to a strict high fat/protein and extremely low carb diet. Carbs that occur naturally in foods consumed are allowed up to a certain percentage, but not more!

I am currently testing out this KETO DIET, and am already seeing REALLY GREAT RESULTS from the formula I have created and diet I have put together for myself. I have never tried this before a competition, as I was advised I may or may not go "flat" (when muscles don't look full). However, I am finding that my body is responding AMAZINGLY to this diet and I am NEVER hungry. I also am finding that I am not craving carbs, sweets, and cheats. I am still training at least once per day, but sometimes twice. 's
I have been on KETO since September 1st and I am seeing huge gains in my muscle definition, an abundance of energy during training and cardio, no mood swings, no energy crashes... I am realizing that I am a person that simply doesn't do well on a high-carb diet. That is important to know if you are looking to tighten up and banish fat. My LEGS (biggest problem area) are slimming down, and my back and upper body are leaning out as well. It really can't get any better than this...
I eat clean fats: avocado, coconut oil, mixed nuts which are all excellent for your health and have numerous benefits which I will be blogging about soon also! It doesn't have to be a BAD diet, as some may say. It's only bad if you stuff your face with bad fats. Newsflash: I don't see any bacon, mayonnaise and butter in my fridge! :)

WHY DID I NOT TRY THIS BEFORE? Hahahaha... Hope I have enlightened those of you who just learned something totally new! If you have any questions, contact me at

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Health & Wellness for Women

Competition season is finally over for me and my fellow competitors! My girlfriends and I rejoice every time we run into each other at the gym, as we catch up on all the things we have been able to enjoy since... Ahhhh, life. At last!
In the meantime, I have implemented the same discipline in focusing on my growing business and the expansion of my services to reach out to women nation-wide. In addition to the Vancouver Personal Training services, I have launched two (2) separate teams: Team Elle Fitness CONTEST PREP and Team Elle Fitness ONLINE TRAINING.
Team Elle Fitness Contest Prep is an exclusive competition preparation program that I have personally built using the knowledge I have accumulated over the years, which has been tested and implemented into my own lifestyle. I am presently coaching a team of six (6) beautiful women from of all ages and walks of life. They are preparing for the Bikini Division at the Sandra Wickham Fall Classic. You can follow our journey on my Facebook page, as I post pictures and updates on their amazing progress!
The ONLINE FITNESS TRAINING program caters to those women who aren't able to be trained one-on-one by me due to long-distance or schedule conflicts. This is for regular women of all demographics who are hungry for a transformational life-changing experience and are motivated to carry out the work on their own. This is a very new and foreign concept for most to grasp, but I assure you it is even more effective than one-on-one personal training. With their monthly membership, my ONLINE clients receive the perfect package of the three things they need for success: a tailored work-out plan, a custom meal-plan and a supplementation schedule to optimize their results and balance their health from the inside out.

I have devoted the overall focus of my business to the holistic technique in taking a look at the body from the inside out, and rebuilding health from within. Weight loss has so many important components that would not be reinforced in the same intensity during a one-on-one personal training session. Hormone-balancing is the first major target that I focus on with all of my clients as it is the #1 underlying problem most women have and know very little about. It is quite simple: with the right food and supplements, hormones can be balanced naturally and safely.
My knowledge about hormones has grown tremendously since I discovered how they affect our lives every day and our abilities to loose weight, manage our stress levels, get a good night sleep, sustain a regular menstrual cycle, prevent various female cancers, have radiant and clear skin, and so much more! 
In my humble opinion, being such a close part of every personal transformation, and witnessing the positive changes is the most rewarding feeling I have yet experienced. The texts, the emails of gratitude for the simple "being there" factor bring me back to those times when I was in the same shoes, walking the same path and feeling the same frustrations.
Every journey starts with the first step, which happens to be the hardest of all to take. First step, first change, first progress... There comes a moment when the change turn into habit...and the habits soon turn into principles by which my clients carry out their life. I have always said that winning is a lifestyle, and not simply a program one goes on to reach their goals...and then relapses. I truly enjoy being a light of hope for those who have fallen and given up too many times to count, as I can sympathize with having failed and feeling helpless.
Everybody needs somebody to believe in them. There was a special moment in my life when everything suddenly made sense... I met someone who genuinely believed in me and saw the power I possessed within... and it changed my life forever. Now, it is my turn to give back and inspire, motivate, empower, educate, lift up and celebrate the beauty in every woman that lets me help them start their own beautiful journey!

A Life-Changing Experience

A long time has passed since I have last blogged... and I have many update and exciting news to share with you all! I am very pleased to say that since my last post in February, I have done 3 fitness competitions! It's hard to believe that the girl in the BEFORE picture (scroll down to the bottom of the post) turned into into the one in the AFTER. Everything is possible if you put your mind to it... 
First Competition: Western Canadians
At my first competition, which was an entry-level regional show, I got 1st place in my height class and then took the Overall title for the entire division. Six weeks later, I competed at the Provincial level, where I got I got 1st place in my height class and then took the Overall title again. I couldn't believe what was unfolding before my eyes: all the hard work, sweat and tears were turning into success and FIRE. Dedication, discipline and consistency do not lie...and neither does the hard work you put in at the gym. All those long hours and late nights when my fellow competitors and I closed down the gym paid off in the most generous ways... I dared to dream, to believe...and I achieved!
Second Competition: BC Championships
Six weeks after my Provincial show, as the dieting and training got harder and harder, I hit the stage for the third time at the Canadian Nationals. At that point, I had been dieting and training for 8 months. It was truly the hardest 8 months I put myself through psychologically...and physically. To stand on stage with the nation's ELITE had always been my dream, and I was humbled by the sheer
notion of having MADE IT.
At the Nationals, I place 3rd in my height class and am still ecstatic about the hardware I got to bring home and add to my collection! The energy backstage was infection, vivacious and energetic. I had gotten to know many competitors from various divisions, having done 2 shows before this one. I got to spend time with them yet again, which meant so much to me! I feel very lucky to have built such close friendships with the people I have met through this experience filled with life-changing moments I will remember for the rest of my life.

I am pleased and proud of the results of my first year competing! My competition plans for the future: Canadian Nationals in August 2013. I am taking an entire year off to build, scult, and work hard on my physique. Perfection takes practice... And winning is certainly a LIFESTYLE, not just a 12 week program. I would like to give my sponsors a BIG and GENEROUS thank you for supporting me through this rough time! I couldn't have done it without you guys! Unbelievable people sharing incredible products:

Better Body Sports
DC Sports Nutrition

Yours Truly,


BEFORE: Feb 2012 / AFTER: Aug 2012